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Cradle of Rome 2




 Cradle of Rome 2    


I love the match three puzzle games. My personal favorite in this genre is Cradle of Rome. So when Paul showed me pictures of Cradle of Rome 2, I was instantly interested. The initial launch window was missed so my patience was stretched pretty thin. I am sure I aggravated more than one person asking when it was coming in. Thanks to everyone for bearing with me as I contained my excitement the best I could.

Cradle of Rome 2 is being released on the Nintendo DS as well as the Nintendo 3DS. My review is on the Nintendo 3DS. I was worried about migraine triggers from the 3D, so I had someone else see how things looked in 3D. I kept Cradle of Rome 2 in 2D as I played it. I like to be safe instead of sorry if you know what I mean.

The graphics in Cradle of Rome 2 are beautiful. The lush environments are great. The 3D effects add a special feel to Cradle of Rome 2. Please note the top screen is in 3D, and we spend most of our time playing on the bottom screen - which is always in 2D. The cityscape is mainly on the top screen, which is nice to see in 3D.

The music in Cradle of Rome 2 enhances the entire mood of the game. There is some talk of false gods and stuff like that. We are talking ancient Rome before Paul the Apostle witnessed to them. The game has a small cupid looking character in statue form - just in case that kind of content bothers you. There are also skull images - when three are matched the tiles go back to blue. Cradle of Rome 2 explains what to do the first time we encounter anything new.

I love clearing the boards in Cradle of Rome 2. I also love how we only have to clear the boards. We do not need to drop things from the top to the bottom. I have never been a fan of that. The items we match provide different resources. These are needed to create new buildings in our city. This level of strategy is one of the reasons I love Cradle of Rome 2.

Cradle of Rome 2 includes a variety of trophies the player can earn for making certain achievements. There are many buildings that can be created in Cradle of Rome 2. The replay value in Cradle of Rome 2 is insane. Families can play this hand held game for years. Matching three of the same thing as well as building up a city are educational concepts. I am so pleased to see Rising Star Games release this sequel. I hope this franchise continues for many years to come.
- Yolanda


Graphics: 93%
Sound: 90%
Replay/Extras: 95%
Gameplay: 89%
Family Friendly Factor: 85%
System: Nintendo 3DS
Publisher: Rising Star Games
ating:  ‘E’ - Everyone

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