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Funky Barn 


I was first exposed to this franchise on the Nintendo 3DS. That was a solid title on a handheld. Funky Barn on the Wii U surpasses it in almost every way imaginable. Information is shown on two screens. So I would tap on the Wii U Gamepad to open a message on the television screen. It took me a few minutes to grow accustomed to that. Once I did I was farming with the best of them.

There is a set path players need to follow in Funky Barn. Each level has goals the player needs to attain. How you perform the goals is up to you. For example, we need to create an area for the chickens. How you design it is all in your court. We do have to deal with certain rock formations in the way, but that is one of the few limitations.

Funky Barn is designed for one player at a time. This Wii U game allows for three saves. We found that this is a great game for two people. One person helps the other one identify things that need to be done. Why? There is a lot going on in Funky Barn at the same time.

Does Funky Barn get confusing? Not as long as you prioritize. So your guide wants to tell you something, the stork wants to drop off an animal, the chickens need water, the sheep want a tree, and there are eggs to be collected. I learned to take one thing at a time.

The scariest part in Funky Barn is the natural disasters. Tornadoes can do massive damage that has to be repaired. Lightning storms can also do damage. Or the machines will break down from normal wear and tear. Funky Barn never ever gets boring. There is always something to do. There are different things to try, and see what works best.

I love the Wii U controls in Funky Barn. They are so much fun. It is so easy to tap around on the screen, see eggs, wool, and notifications. The menu screens in Funky Barn exhibit an intelligent design. Swapping back from television to Wii U Gamepad was not natural at first. Once I got into it, I found the benefits.

Funky Barn is a sleeper hit launch Wii U title. I hope a majority of the Family Friendly Gaming Nation checks out Funky Barn on the Wii U. The hardest part about Funky Barn is stopping. There is always some new chore to be completed. Something new is constantly coming your way.
- Paul


Graphics: 90%
Sound: 89%
Replay/Extras: 97%
Gameplay: 87%
Family Friendly Factor: 85%
System: Wii U
Publisher: 505 Games
ating: ‘E’ - Everyone
{Comic Mischief}
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