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Grow Away 


Grow Away has the most clever name of a game I have seen in a long time. We launch our vegetables (that we grow) to stop invading hordes of monsters. So we want them to go away, and we are growing vegetables to make them go away. Or as it is called Grow Away. I had an ah-ha moment when I understood that concept. You may have picked up on it immediately.

We start out with tomatoes in Grow Away. As we progress through the game we collect coins and gems. We use these to unlock additional slots. These slots allow us to bring in some friends. Things like onions, pumpkins, hot peppers, and more. These can be used in a limited capacity to send powerful attacks at the invading monsters.

I like the idea of anyone giving up junk food for fruit and vegetables. It is a noble concept. I also like the idea of defending what has been bestowed upon us. So Grow Away has me conflicted in certain regards of the storyline. Parents will need to be aware there is a food fight kind of concept in Grow Away.

There are few happy looking characters in Grow Away. Most of them look angry, like someone who dropped their ice cream cone on the sidewalk on a hot summer day. The music in Grow Away is more cheery. Those special effect flinging sounds are fun as well. Especially when we hold the tomatoes back for a few second and they charge up.

There is some cartoon violence in Grow Away, and some splatter left after we hit certain creatures. I was not clear why it was blue though. I launch a tomato and there is blue smear left. That could only lead me to believe it was from the creature I had just whacked.

Grow Away is an addictive little game. I found myself playing level after level to see what waves would come at me next. In some ways Grow Away feels like a tower defense game. Without the tower part of course. Grow Away can get difficult in later levels. Expect the temperature to be turned up near the end of the first world (of four worlds).
- Paul


Graphics: 74%
Sound: 86%
Replay/Extras: 87%
Gameplay: 90%
Family Friendly Factor: 73%
System: iPhone/iPod Touch
Publisher: Chillingo
Rating: ‘9+’ - 9+
{Infrequent/Mild Cartoon or Fantasy Violence}
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