He-Man The Most Powerful Game in the Universe
I was very surprised to hear Chillingo and Mattel had partnered for
an iPhone/iPod Touch game based on He-Man. Why are they doing it now? It
is the 30th Anniversary of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. I
remember this franchise from when I was a child. I was more into GI Joe
and Transformers, but I was aware of He-Man.
He-Man The Most Powerful Game in the Universe has a soft look to it. The
bright colors, and almost squat characters are an interesting take on
the franchise. There is action violence as we hack and slash our way
through the twenty-seven levels. And yes there are barely dressed muscle
bound characters.
The music in He-Man The Most Powerful Game in the Universe is epic. The
sound bytes fit the action on the screens. There is a magical element to
He-Man The Most Powerful Game in the Universe. At times it can cross
over into the occult - which is in the main He-Man series.
The levels in He-Man The Most Powerful Game in the Universe are long. It
can get boring having to slash our way through some of the same looking
characters. Boss battles shake things up, as well as opening up a new
environment. Players collect crystals in He-Man The Most Powerful Game
in the Universe. These are used to purchase better skills.
He-Man The Most Powerful Game in the Universe is screaming for a
controller based control system. The swiping system in this hand held
game is playable. I ran into more problems with things like jumping
though. I yearned for some kind of a jump button, and little joystick
- Paul
Graphics: 70%
Sound: 74%
Replay/Extras: 72%
Gameplay: 69%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%
System: iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch
Publisher: Chillingo
Rating: ‘9+’ - 9+
{Infrequent/Mild Cartoon or Fantasy Violence}
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