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Nike+ Kinect Training


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Nike+ Kinect Training 


EA Sports Active 2 has been the king of the exercise games here at Family Friendly Gaming for some time now. We have reviewed a plethora of different exercise games, but none of them have measured up. Let alone been close enough to take the crown. That is until now.

When I saw Nike+ Kinect Training at the Microsoft E3 Press Conference in the year of our Lord 2012 I was excited. I saw this game had potential. I was cautiously optimistic. Plenty of other exercise games had looked good at first, but fell flat when we started to play them.

Nike+ Kinect Training does no falling. The only thing falling for me was weight and sweat. At the same time I marveled at how well put together this game is. The trainers feel very realistic in Nike+ Kinect Training. They are encouraging, and pointing out where and when I was slacking. Like telling me to get those knees higher. Yes I was slacking - mainly due to fatigue.

The first thing in Nike+ Kinect Training is an evaluation. This Xbox 360 Kinect game will assess your strengths and your weaknesses. For everyone here at Family Friendly Gaming, Nike+ Kinect Training is completely accurate. I marveled at how well this game assessed me. It knew what I already knew. It told me where my work outs would start.

Nike+ Kinect Training is all about the personalization for the person playing. It can help you in a variety of different manners. And it will do so in the area you need the most. I should not be surprised since Nike+ Kinect Training was athlete inspired. Don't worry about being stuck in one set of exercises either. Nike+ Kinect Training shakes it up, and will assess your strength, endurance, overall fitness, and athleticism every four weeks.

Nike+ Kinect Training is my new personal go to exercise game. I love how it grades our fitness and athletic abilities. Nike+ Kinect Training lets family members set goals, pick work out days, have short sessions, and stay connected through a mobile app. Nike is more than a brand name in this exercise game.

The Kinect sensor tracks way better than I was expecting in Nike+ Kinect Training. It let me know when I was not properly in position to do an exercise. Also it knew when I was doing something wrong. I had trouble with high knee kicks for example. It let me know I was not getting the knees high enough. I slowed down to get the knees higher, and then it let me know I could speed up my exercising. The minuscule attention to detail is amazing.

Nike+ Kinect Training is the new king of the exercise video games. It is so good that it earns the rarely given Family Friendly Gaming seal of approval. Nike+ Kinect Training is a game families should take a real good look at this Christmas. It can help improve your health - as long as you stick with it.
- Paul


Graphics: 96%
Sound: 98%
Replay/Extras: 100%
Gameplay: 95%
Family Friendly Factor: 94%
System: Xbox 360 (Kinect)
Publisher: Microsoft
ating: ‘E’ - Everyone
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