VectorRacing is part Tron, part F-Zero,
and part retro racer updated. When I first played VectorRacing I thought
I was playing an old arcade game. Why? It has a black screen with white
or gray lines. I wondered what I was in for. I knew that Arc System
Works has a history of solid titles on the Nintendo 3DS. So I put the
pedal to the medal and did my best to win.
VectorRacing has a distinctive look to it. Thankfully there are more
colors than just black and white. Which is why I consider this hand held
video game to be retro updated. We can see through everything including
our vehicles. The frame outlines are what is shown. We do see the
exhaust which is a neat inclusion. The 3D in VectorRacing is good as
long as you keep your eyes lined up with the screen. Get it off and it
can get confusing.
VectorRacing has that techno kind of music. I enjoyed listening to it.
The special effect sounds are hitting walls, hitting other hover
vehicles, and hitting speed boosts. Those speed boosts are the core of
VectorRacing. Miss too many and you will not win. Hit them just right
and you will be out in front for easy wins. At least on the easier
Each vehicle in VectorRacing has a power gauge. Think of this as a life
bar. Hit the wall and/or other vehicles too often and you will blow up.
Which makes the family member restart where they had their explosive
accident. Which costs time. VectorRacing encourages players to race
cleanly. Bumping into things only causes problems.
There are a variety of vehicles for players to pick from in VectorRacing
that will fit different racing styles. There are six different floating
vehicles that race on the twelve different tracks. VectorRacing has
wonderful controls. I was able to easily go around vehicles for the
pass. I did notice that at times I would get out in front and it was all
over. Other times a vehicle would pass me and I could never chase them
All in all I like VectorRacing on the Nintendo 3DS. This little racing
game pays respects to the racing games of the past. It updates them in
fun and fresh ways. My only complaint is after an hour of playing this
game, I looked at the real world and it took a few minutes for my eyes
to adjust. Maybe I am getting old. I hope to see sequels to VectorRacing
in the near future. Family Friendly Gaming was provided a download
code for this review.
- Frank
Graphics: 79%
Sound: 92%
Replay/Extras: 82%
Gameplay: 99%
Family Friendly Factor: 89%
System: Nintendo 3DS
Publisher: Arc System Works
Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone
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