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Angler's Club Ultimate Bass Fishing 3D




Angler's Club Ultimate Bass Fishing 3D 


The fishing library on the Nintendo 3DS has been growing. This is wonderful to see. Angler's Club Ultimate Bass Fishing 3D is the latest game to enter this region of the Nintendo 3DS video game library. It is accurate to fishing in a plethora of ways.

First and foremost, Angler's Club Ultimate Bass Fishing 3D is tough. A player can go thirty minutes or more not being able to hook one fish. The sonar, lures, casting, and more are all involved. If you thought real world fishing was hard, then you will be right at home playing Angler's Club Ultimate Bass Fishing 3D.

The 3D looks nice on the rather bland graphics. There are some moments like when a fish comes flying out of the water. The characters, boats, and water look pretty generic. Some rocks can be seen from the surface. Players can take a picture and put it on their character. As well as plenty of different character modification options.

The light tutorial, and music are pleasant. I normally like to figure games out for myself. But since Angler's Club Ultimate Bass Fishing 3D has so many different options a training mode would have been welcome. No fishing game should leave the tutorial until the player has caught at least one fish.

Angler's Club Ultimate Bass Fishing 3D started me in a fifteen minute tournament. At the end of the tournament I had caught nothing. I had hooked nothing. Do you know how embarrassing that is? I tried right up until the last second. I used the sonar, tried different lures, and techniques. Nothing worked.

Angler's Club Ultimate Bass Fishing 3D can lead family members to frustration, irritation, and even real world anger. Just like real world fishing. This downloadable hand held game has captured the essence of fishing without training. Sequels need to improve the experience for less experienced gamers.
- Frank


Graphics: 77%
Sound: 79%
Replay/Extras: 79%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 80%

System: Nintendo 3DS
Publisher: D3Publisher
ating: 'E' - Everyone
Company provided product

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