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Batman The Dark Knight Returns Part 1





Batman The Dark Knight Returns Part 1 


First and foremost I have to get something off my chest as it relates to Batman The Dark Knight Returns Part 1. Why did they split this into two movies? Are these millionaires really that strapped for cash that they have to milk consumers? Batman The Dark Knight Returns Part 1 is only 76 minutes long. Yeah barely over an hour. They should have made one two and a half to three hour movie, and not split it into two parts.

I had to get that out of the way because it irritates me that these companies make one hour animated films, and other films are two hours. Animation needs to hit that two hour mark. And that is my opinion. If you disagree with me - fine.

Batman The Dark Knight Returns Part 1 is a definite adult version of Batman. Frank Miller is celebrated in worldly circles for making Batman more macabre and morbid. I don’t celebrate that. I prefer a family friendly Batman. I also notice that he wrote this during one of the best presidents of the United States. And it is very anti-government.

Blood flows freely in Batman The Dark Knight Returns Part 1. At times I wondered how much blood some of their characters could lose without dying. Very unrealistic. The violent scene drone on in Batman The Dark Knight Returns Part 1.

Do not expect any humor in Batman The Dark Knight Returns Part 1 either. An old grim Bruce Wayne is in retirement. He decides to come out to take on the Mutant gangs. No X-Men kind of stuff either. Just street punks that have taken over the streets. He inspires the Sons of Batman to rise up and take back the city. A female Robin is introduced, to the shock many of the viewers.

I enjoyed the talented voice actors in Batman The Dark Knight Returns Part 1. I wish they could have kept their language a bit cleaner. This is an area where Part 2 can improve. Batman The Dark Knight Returns Part 1 debates vigilantes and following the rules. It is typical bleeding heart liberalism that lets criminals back on the streets to murder and rape again and again.

Batman gets his arm broken, but is quickly back into the fight. This is another area I found completely unrealistic. The future in Batman The Dark Knight Returns Part 1 has very little technology in it. Which shows how limited Frank Miller’s vision of the future really was. Batman The Dark Knight Returns Part 1 is cleaner than most of Bruce Timm’s recent movies, but still has plenty of disappointments. I hope and pray the next one is better.
- Paul


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 64%
Replay/Extras: 61%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 50%

System: DVD
Publisher: Warner Bros

Rating: ‘PG-13’ for Parents Strongly Cautioned {For Intense Sequences of Violence and Action}

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