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Clone Booth




Clone Booth 


Clone Booth is not really a game, but more of a photo manipulation tool. Which may interest some of our readers out there. Then again you may take one look and decide to pass. The goal is to put your face in the frame of an old picture. Like a lady from the ancient past.

Clone Booth is meant to be a partial joke. If you get it then you will be laughing indeed. If you don't get it then you will most likely pass on this little app. As I write this review Clone Booth is on sale. I have to admit the sale price is what I would expect it to be as a normal price. Especially when we consider there are in-app purchases as well.

The music in Clone Booth makes me think of elevator music. If it was not for my attempts to get the faces right I would have taken a nap. Actually a nap still sounds like a good idea as I am listening to the music from Clone Booth again. Maybe after I finish this review.

If you are into sharing things socially then you will love this next feature in Clone Booth. You can post your pictures on a wide array of sites thanks to this app. I have to ask some questions though. Do you really want to share a picture of your face on a woman's body? Or your face on a babies body?

I doubt many will comprehend my line of questioning there, since so many post all kinds of worthless thoughts on those social sites already. Clone Booth is a different kind of utility tool that you can have some fun with.
- Paul


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 60%
Replay/Extras: 63%
Gameplay: 64%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%

System: iPhone/iPod Touch
Publisher: Jackbox Games
ating: ‘4+’ - 4+
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