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Bullying is one of the biggest issues being dealt with in our culture. It is nothing new, and has been around for a long time. The public education system has known about the problem for decades. And for some reason usually sides with the bullies in the name of celebrating diversity. Without the public education system bullying would be less of a problem.

There are underlying issues our society does not want to deal with. For example there are different cultures with different opinions on things like violence. There are Klingon type of cultures where violence and honor are a part of every day life. There are more feminine cultures where everyone is expected to act like women. Prim and proper. The public education system tries to pick one, and force all others into it. All the while preaching they celebrate diversity.

Let me share a sad secret about diversity. It leads to division and conflict. When the exact opposite reaction is appropriate in two diverse cultures - only one can have its way. Both can not have their way and still be considered right. When one act is okay in one culture and offensive in another culture - only one side gets their way.

There are some people who embrace and celebrate destruction. Whereas I come from a culture that embraces and celebrates creation. I get joy from creating things. Bullies follow the path of destruction. They get joy from destroying what others have created.

I learned early in life the best way to deal with a bully was to stand up to them. I also stood up for those weaker than myself. It meant getting into fights. I never lost a fight, and the bullies learned to avoid causing trouble around me. Nothing else ever stopped them.

Contest addresses the issue of bullying. It shows complex emotional issues of the bullies and those they torment. Being a movie it has to include some behind the scenes manipulation. Friends are separated by lies. Might makes right, and rarely are the guilty punished.

People can change. There are countless examples of evil people becoming saved and completely turning around their behavior. So we know a personal relationship with Jesus changes the hearts of those that worship death and destruction. The fallen nature of mankind leads to many problems and bullying is one of them. Until hearts are changed it will never be completely solved.

God finds value in every single one of us. When the schools removed that reality - they created all those suicides. The schools needs to start taking responsibility for their mistakes. Sadly Contest does not address this problem. It is about the people and their motives. Not about God being taken out of the public education system.

Contest has some violent images, blood, language, greed, and some sexual innuendo. Overall Contest is pretty tame by the movie standards of today. Contest also shows that assuming, and believing others is not the wisest course of action. The grandmother character in Contest is one of the best in my humble opinion.

The bonus content on the Contest DVD is Bloopers, Deleted Scenes, Extended Scenes, Music Videos, and Interviews. The main lesson is against bullying in Contest; however with that said the good versus evil storyline is a fun one to watch multiple times.

It is nice to see the good guys win in Contest. Many times in real life the bad guys wind up winning, and getting away with dishonorable actions. When everyone stands up to their evil we all win. Day in and day out I stand up for what is right - through death threats, hate emails, and those telling me it can't be done. Family Friendly Gaming is a monument to standing up. Contest is fun movie that teachings everyone to stand up.
- Paul


Graphics: 80%
Sound: 78%
Replay/Extras: 88%
Gameplay: 85%
Family Friendly Factor: 85%

System: DVD
Publisher: Arc Entertainment
Rating: 'PG' – Parental Guidance Suggested {Some Bullying, Rude Humor, and Language}
Company Provided Product

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