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Deer Drive Legends




Deer Drive Legends 


Deer Drive Legends is a mixture between an arcade hunting game and a realistic hunting game. We go to different locations in this Nintendo 3DS game trying to achieve a certain goal - like kill five deer. We have to avoid shooting the does (female deer) though. Aggressive animals will come up and attack us.

The 3D effects in Deer Drive Legends were freaking me out. They are really good, especially on those menu screens. Out in the wild Deer Drive Legends looks fantastic. We are shooting animals in Deer Drive Legends. I draw a distinction between hunting and violence against human beings. I also do not put animals on the same footing as humans. Finally I believe in the long standing tradition of hunting, and honoring hunters.

The music in Deer Drive Legends can have a calming effect. Unless one of those animals attacks you and you see those claw marks on the screen. The screen will get a little cloudy with red which is even more distracting. The gun sounds in Deer Drive Legends are very accurate. The clock sounds as time expires in a level grabbed my attention.

The array of animals in Deer Drive Legends is dizzying. A T-Rex is in Deer Drive Legends. So if you have ever wanted to hunt one in a video game, you need to check out this hand held video game. After they are shot, players can go look at one in their trophy room. As well as check out their statistics. Deer Drive Legends tracks all kinds of things like accuracy, range, and more.

Deer Drive Legends is an intense hunting game. I found it to be difficult until I moved it down to the easy setting. Fast reflexes and a quick eye are needed. Deer Drive Legends is also easier by turning off the heart gauge. The diverse areas to hunt are really cool. As are the wide variety of animals to stalk.

Deer Drive Legends has me itching to get out into the field and bag me a buck. Standing in one place and swiveling around to find what is moving nearby is a fascinating game play aspect. I prefer to get into a blind whenever possible. Deer Drive Legends allows family members to earn power ups in the levels which is something we can not have in the real world.
- Kimp


Graphics: 76%
Sound: 82%
Replay/Extras: 84%
Gameplay: 85%
Family Friendly Factor: 79%

System: Nintendo 3DS
Publisher: Maximum Family Games
ating: Rating: 'T' for Teen
{Blood, Violence}

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