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Doodle Jump for Kinect




Doodle Jump for Kinect 


After Fruit Ninja Kinect did so well I knew it was only a matter of time before more apps would be released on the Xbox 360 (Kinect). The most recent app port to enter the Family Friendly Gaming Nation is Doodle Jump for Kinect. Are you one of the one hundred million who downloaded Doodle Jump?

I was not one of the one hundred million. I learned about this franchise on the Xbox 360. Doodle Jump for Kinect reminds me of Let's Jump. We have a character who hops up and down. We have to move him from platform to platform up to the top. Miss a platform and you fall back to the last checkpoint.

Doodle Jump for Kinect does not look that great. It looks like Doodle drawings. Like something I would draw after taking an art class. By the way I took an art class and passed it. The only reason I passed is because the teacher took pity on me, and because I tried really hard. Let's Jump on the iOS looks a lot better.

I enjoyed the music in Doodle Jump for Kinect. Especially when my little critter went all crazy and starting shooting something in every direction. None of us here at Family Friendly Gaming were clear what he was doing, so we called it his tantrum.

So you played Doodle Jump on the iOS platform. Why would you want to play Doodle Jump for Kinect on the Xbox 360? There are thirty new levels, new abilities, and a new control scheme. The controls are what makes Doodle Jump for Kinect so interesting to me. It is Kinect based. So we step left and right to move our guy left and right.

I am very curious to hear how Doodle Jump for Kinect does in terms of sales. Will families embrace this game? How will gamers feel flapping their arms to have their character fly up during that certain power up? Will there soon be a massive surge in apps being ported over to Kinect?
- Paul


Graphics: 73%
Sound: 82%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 83%
Family Friendly Factor: 79%

System: Xbox 360 (Kinect)
Publisher: D3Publisher
ating: ‘E’ - Everyone
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