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Dragonball GT Season 2





Dragonball GT Season 2 


I finished Dragonball GT finally with Season 2. It is a shame this show only lasted two seasons, but it is blatantly obvious this show needed to die. They were running out of ideas, and of ways to make things even more extreme, more dangerous, and give the characters more powers. Dragonball GT Season 2 shows they should have stopped with Dragonball Z.

Dragonball GT Season 2 finally finishes off Baby, and then we get an all new problem thanks to the dragonballs being used too often. We now have to deal with evil dragons. The anti-climatic ending of Dragonball GT Season 2 leaves fans wanting for more. But most of us are wondering how or why.

The characters in Dragonball GT Season 2 have all aged. Well except for Goku who gets to be a little kid again. He is still married, and that seems odd. Since his wife is an old lady. His granddaugher looks older than he does.

I hate to spoil things, but I expect most of our readers will not watch Dragonball GT Season 2. It took me months to trudge through this show. It is that painful. Goku bonding with the dragon is really odd. Seeing his great-great grandson is also weird. As is an almost reboot of the show being shown in Goku junior, and Vegeta junior. Dragonball GT Season 2 teases these things. I do not know if it continued on in a new series or not. I hope not.

The level of violence, blood, gore, and dismemberment continues to be high in Dragonball GT Season 2. We also have to deal with things like nudity. Lets be real here, why was that even included? It does nothing to enhance Dragonball GT Season 2, and it only takes away. I guess it is some odd Japanese cultural thing that they are obsessed with stuff like that.

Hunting the evil dragons is an interesting diversion in Dragonball GT Season 2. I really just wanted to get it finished. The final dragon was the most annoying in my opinion. He was definitely evil, so Goku trying to reason with him made no sense to me. I guess Goku has to try with everyone, even those who will never listen.

Hell merging with earth was one of the oddest things I have seen in any of the Dragonball series shows. I shook my head as that storyline droned on. It was an annoying way of bringing back all those old enemies who have been dead for some time now. Save your money and pass on Dragonball GT Season 2.
- Sam


Graphics: 51%
Sound: 63%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Gameplay: 66%
Family Friendly Factor: 50%

System: DVD
Publisher: Funimation

Rating: ‘TV-PG’ for Parental Guidance Suggested

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