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DuckTales Remastered




DuckTales Remastered 


There has been major excitement for months over the release of DuckTales Remastered. You might have noticed the massive coverage we have given this game. Which has turned out to be a bad thing in some regards. Why? Well we have published pictures and videos of most of the major portions of the game.

Why would that be a bad thing? There were few surprises in DuckTales Remastered. As I played level after level, and beat boss after boss - I had seen it all before. It was not until the end of the game that I faced anything unexpected. But then I beat DuckTales Remastered in two and a half hours.

After beating DuckTales Remastered I used the money earned in the game to purchase bonus content. I did not have enough money to buy everything, which is where the majority of the replay comes into play. Replay the levels to purchase additional extras.

The extras are almost completely locked up too. So many have to be purchased in one section to unlock the next one. Which is lame if you are really interested in say the music. You have to work your way down to it. Which is probably why it was done. Put the cool stuff at the bottom, and make players work for it.

The animations, music, characters, and voices are exceptional in DuckTales Remastered. Magica De Spells voice did not sound right to me. But the others were close enough to match if they were not the originals. The words are on the screen which helps deaf gamers understand what is going on.

DuckTales Remastered actually fleshes out the story from the original. I appreciated this. As a long time DuckTales fan it was great to see this game being made. I personally would have liked a longer game with more levels. But DuckTales Remastered is selling for $14.99, so I can understand.

Scrooge has a cane swinging attack, and he can bounce on his cane (objects can also be knocked into enemies). These attacks can hurt enemies. There is cartoon mischief as certain characters (like mummies) lose their bandages. DuckTales Remastered also contains some mild name calling which is in the original show.

DuckTales Remastered is on the short side. I still like the game, the level design, and all of the effort that was put into this downloadable home console game. I hope this spawns some form of a modern day sequel. It was a pleasure for me to play and review DuckTales Remastered.
- Paul


Graphics: 85%
Sound: 84%
Replay/Extras: 76%
Gameplay: 90%
Family Friendly Factor: 87%

System: PC/Wii U/Xbox 360/PS3(tested)
Publisher: Capcom
Rating: ‘E' - Everyone
{Mild Cartoon Violence}

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