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A few weeks back my youngest son was playing this app. I was curious to see what he was playing. It was Duckers. My first impression of this game is it was not very good. It did not look like much, but he was having fun. He even asked me to help him with the game.

As I started playing Duckers I quickly discovered its charm. I went to my wife to find out how much this app cost us. She told me absolutely free. I became even more impressed. I decided at that moment that I would work in a review for Duckers on the iPhone/iPod Touch.

Duckers has very cute little graphics. If our character runs into spikes or rocks they shake their head and stop. If they run into electricity of any sort we see an animation where the skeleton is showing. There are different characters we can unlock, as well as different kinds of soil.

The music in Duckers is one of the reasons I played this app to death. It is fresh, fun, and alive. The special effect sounds fit this little digging game masterfully. My favorite is collecting the coins. Duckers has a certain happiness to it that I personally feel is infectious.

Retro Dreamer has created an extremely solid title, and they have given it away for free. There are some in app purchases if you want to purchase coins. Playing Duckers will provide the same thing. I personally saw no problem with the in app purchases in Duckers because it is so much fun to replay. There are plenty of hidden items in Duckers to discover.

Duckers is so easy to play. We touch where we want our character to dig down. We collect items along the way. When we fall between soil we use the gyroscope in the units to guide the falls. All ages of the family can enjoy Duckers. Every single person in our family has enjoyed playing Duckers. I only recently stopped playing after I had unlocked everything I wanted to unlock.

Duckers is a safe game for the entire family. It teaches us to plan our moves ahead of time. Duckers also teaches us to avoid pitfalls that could get in our way. Duckers can also teach some patience. In terms of unlocking certain content, and passing the electrical areas.

I am so impressed with Duckers that I made sure this game received a page in this issue so families can be made aware of this app. I hope you take the time to check out Duckers on the iPhone/iPod Touch.
- Paul


Graphics: 89%
Sound: 93%
Replay/Extras: 99%
Gameplay: 95%
Family Friendly Factor: 90%

System: iPhone/iPod Touch
Publisher: Retro Dreamer

Rating: ‘4+’ - 4+

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