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Farming Simulator




Farming Simulator 


Some of the best days I have in the video game industry are when I realize companies listened to me. When they took my advice and made a certain product, or ported a product over to another system. Those days are wonderful. Some companies send over a check to thank me for helping them make money. Others send over swag.

Farming Simulator on the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 is something we asked for here at Family Friendly Gaming. As a reward we received a reviewable copy on the Xbox 360 and a very nice gift basket. Not that they needed to do something so nice for us. It is appreciated and we believe in full disclosure.

Farming Simulator is a fantastic game all by itself. I highly recommend that families go through the tutorial first. There are important controls that need to be understood to run the equipment on the farm. Talk about major equipment too. These machines are massive and impressive.

You may have heard me say before that I respect the farming industry. I respect farmers. They work very hard to provide food for the rest of us to buy. I have had a garden every year I was physically able to. I love growing fruits, and vegetables. I love eating what I grew. I love shelling peas, picking raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, onions, carrots, watermelon, and more.

You will not go out in the field and pick fruit and veggies in Farming Simulator. Instead you will run the equipment to harvest, till, and plant. This may sound easy and boring. Trust me it is more mentally engaging than it sounds. Plus you will fill up the tanks and have to deposit it into another vehicle.

The biggest problem I ran into with Farming Simulator is staying below the speed limit. Go too fast in these vehicles and you will miss harvesting a small section. Warning messages come up when you hit the speed you do not need to go above. This takes some getting used to. Especially if you are an impatient gamer.

Farming Simulator is one of those games that takes time. Family members slowly progress along in their farms. This is realistic though. As is having to swap between different workers - who need to work together as a team. Especially if you want to be efficient.

Farming Simulator includes plenty of vehicles to purchase, workers to hire, and multiple farms to cultivate. All in all I found Farming Simulator to be a very educational experience. It looks good on the home console machines, and it sounds good too. This is one game families need to check out.
- Paul


Graphics: 90%
Sound: 88%
Replay/Extras: 87%
Gameplay: 83%
Family Friendly Factor: 90%

System: PS3/Xbox 360(tested)
Publisher: Focus Home Interactive
Rating: 'E' – Everyone
Company provided product

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