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Funfair Party Games 


Joindots is well known by Family Friendly Gaming Nation. They make some wonderful games for families. Their Nintendo 3DS games have put them on the family friendly game map. Fair games are almost always fun little diversions. Joindots latest downloadable 3DS game is Funfair Party Games.

I am beside myself in excitement to play Funfair Party Games. I love carnivals. I love the fair, and I love family friendly video games. Plus the main man told me his connection over at Joindots let him know that Funfair Party Games is their best game yet. My expectations went through the roof.

Then I started to play Funfair Party Games on the Nintendo 3DS. Mayhaps I should say I tried to play Funfair Party Games. I could not figure out how to play some of these mini games. There are two control schemes - Classic, and Arcade. The game does not explain how either of them actually work.

Some of the mini games in Funfair Party Games use the gyroscope. Others use the touch screen. Some of them use the buttons on the hand held. Experimentation was required to play any of them. By the time I had finished playing all of the mini games I was exhausted. Directions really do go a long way. My teachers were right about that.

The mini games in Funfair Party Games are Balloon Burst, Basketball, Camel Race, Duck Fishing, Hot Wire, Claw Crane, Ball-In-The-Glass, High Striker, Can Knockdown, Shooting Gallery, and Ball Roll. Ball Roll and Camel Race are my two favorites. They are also the only two I replayed.

Funfair Party Games is currently selling for $19.99. A little steep for the amount of content in my opinion. The multi-player and leaderboards is nice, but not really needed. Directions on the controls is something that Funfair Party Games desperately needs. Some of the mini games like Basketball and High Striker need better control schemes.
- Luke

{UPDATE:} There are directions for the controls on the Highscores screen. Players have to look for them to find them.


Graphics: 74%
Sound: 76%
Replay/Extras: 55%
Gameplay: 50%
Family Friendly Factor: 75%

System: Nintendo 3DS
Publisher: Joindots GmbH
Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone
Company provided product

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