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Happy Sheep




Happy Sheep 


I was apprehensive about reviewing Happy Sheep on the iPhone/iPod Touch. Why? It is made by a very small developer, and I have had bad experiences with small developers on this platform. What was the deal? They could not accept any constructive criticism and wanted to argue every little personal experience I had with this game. The editor in chief promised me this game would not be the same case.

Happy Sheep has a yarn look and feel to it. These sheep orbs (the safest thing I could think to call them) are moved via conveyer belts. They have a color, and the player must match the color of he sheep to the color of the receptacle container. The gold ones can go into any receptacle container.

Players earn points for every correct entry in Happy Sheep. This builds up a heart on the screen. When that heart is full you have created some object. Things like socks and scarves. Things that are all knitted together. Hence the connection to the sheep. Although players do not have to actually do any of the knitting. Would you really want me playing with those needles?

Happy Sheep looks pretty good, albeit many of the graphics are re-used. Where this game really shines is the music. The music in Happy Sheep is top notch and high quality. Before you even ask, yes there are sheep sounds in Happy Sheep. They did not distract or deter the really cool music.

Happy Sheep implores a one swipe fits all. That means all of the conveyor belts are controlled with one swipe. They will go one direction, and a swipe will reverse all of them. Here is the deal though, some conveyors are going to the right and some are going to the left. Multiple sheep on different conveyor belts have to be kept in mind. Changing directions for one can drop another one in your way at the bottom. Heart points are lost for mistakes, so players can recover from multiple mistakes.

I have one thing against Happy Sheep. There are only twenty levels. There are plenty of apps out there selling for the same price with a hundred levels or more. There are thirty achievements in Happy Sheep, which are not that difficult to attain. The game play can get repetitive, but the experience is over pretty quickly.
- Luke


Graphics: 77%
Sound: 85%
Replay/Extras: 55%
Gameplay: 75%
Family Friendly Factor: 80%

System: iPhone/iPod Touch
Publisher: Ivan Vasilyev
ating: Rating: '4+' for 4+
Company provided this product

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