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Hole in the Wall 


When we first predicted the success of the Kinect on the Xbox 360 we thought about good fits for the device. We knew about the Japanese TV version of Hole in the Wall. We put those two together and said it had the potential to be a big hit. Hole in the Wall made it to American television, and also to the Xbox 360 thanks to Ubisoft. There are some good things about this game, and some bad things.

This game shows great potential going forward, and hopefully in sequels. The Microsoft Avatars are used so the graphics are not pushed to the edge if you know what I mean. Hole in the Wall looks nice, but I have seen better Xbox 360 home console games. Characters like to celebrate by shaking their butt at you. Did we really need that?

The audio effects are straight out of the television show. So if you like those sounds you will love to listen to Hole in the Wall. If you hate those sounds then they will grate on your last good nerve. I enjoyed the sounds for the most part. They kept me awake while playing this game.

Want to know something else that kept me awake while playing Hole in the Wall? The exercise. I had to get into all kinds of strange positions while playing this Kinect title. I got a light sweat after playing Hole in the Wall, and so did others. Which reminds me Hole in the Wall is better with two people.

I am not fond of the final round in Hole in the Wall on the Xbox 360. We have to find which of the positions is the right one. There are multiple choices and only a few seconds to guess. This ended my game time after time. Why? Hole in the Wall only allows for three mistakes and then its game over.

Hole in the Wall feels like the show, and it sounds like the show. I have not seen the American version of Hole in the Wall. I did find it odd that evolution was in this game. I know that is a red flag issue for many of our readers. So I am doing my duty by informing you of that highly controversial and divisive religious belief.

I generally had fun playing Hole in the Wall. The difficulty of the final round really ruins interest in replaying it. Since you have to complete one show to get to the next one.
- Paul


Graphics: 75%
Sound: 85%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: Xbox 360
Publisher: Ubisoft

Rating: ‘E’ for Everyone

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