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Kids Learn Mandarin





Kids Learn Mandarin 


Audio visual learning in the form of watching something on television has been one of the most used ways to educate the masses. That method is still being used, and probably will be for some time. What is replacing it is video games. It did not take video game companies long to realize they influence the audience with teachings within their games.

All video games teach something. There are some that are open and honest in what they are teaching the masses. This is where Kids Learn Mandarin on the iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad comes into play. This cute little kids game helps teach Mandarin. In case you need your kids to learn it.

I must admit I have never had a use in my life to speak this language. Maybe it will be something that will be useful in the future. The State Department seems to think so. Maybe since they gave away so many of our secrets to China they see it useful in terms of giving away our proprietary information.

Kids Learn Mandarin teaches numbers, colors, animals, food, sports, transportation and more. There are twelve lessons in all. Ninety-six mini-games, twelve music videos, and twelve Chinese character writing lessons. The coolest part of Kids Learn Mandarin is the sticker playground. Kids earn stickers by completing mini games in the lessons. They can then apply those stickers to a screen.

The touch screen controls in Kids Learn Mandarin work marvelously. I ran into no issues on any screens. If you choose the wrong character in mini games it goes away. That leaves less choices for your next selection. Kids will eventually get the right one via the process of elimination.

Kids Learn Mandarin is an app that is encouraging, positive, upbeat, and educational. There are multiple apps out there that teach Mandarin. In my opinion Kids Learn Mandarin is one of the best out on the market place to date.
- Yolanda


Graphics: 88%
Sound: 94%
Replay/Extras: 90%
Gameplay: 88%
Family Friendly Factor: 90%

System: iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad
Publisher: Fingerprint
Rating: ‘4+’ - 4+
Company provided this product

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