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LEGO Legends of Chima Laval’s Journey




LEGO Legends of Chima Laval’s Journey 


The Lego games continue to be a favorite of families all over the world. There are always new franchises every year. This year Family Friendly Gaming Nation is treated with LEGO Legends of Chima Laval’s Journey. This is a hand held only title appearing on the DS, 3DS, and PS Vita. This review is for the Vita.

LEGO Legends of Chima Laval’s Journey looks fantastic on this little hand held device. The Lego characters seem out of place at times. We have all kinds of different animal characters in LEGO Legends of Chima Laval’s Journey. They have these animalistic powers that can be unleashed when a Chi gauge is filled up.

Any new franchise can take some getting used to. LEGO Legends of Chima Laval’s Journey is no exception. I had problems getting into this hand held game at first. In fact I had trouble figuring out where to go next. This was worse when I had saved after completing an area. The game told me to go somewhere but I had forgotten where to go.

Through trial and error I did eventually find my way. Even if I had to completely replay a level to get directions again. Other times I would leave a map and come back to see if anything was flashing on it. Sometimes hints would appear but I had not learned that skill yet. Or I needed to interact with something else first. There is a definite learning curve to this PS Vita game.

I am not familiar with the LEGO Legends of Chima franchise. The voice actors in LEGO Legends of Chima Laval’s Journey do not seem to fit the characters. The timid sounding lion character is the best example of this. He sounds like a five year old boy, not a warrior lion who just trashed all those wolves.

LEGO Legends of Chima Laval’s Journey slowly reveals itself through the engaging storyline, and fascinating areas. The animal skills are unique and what are used to unlock certain areas and secrets. Like most Lego games, expect to play levels multiple times to unlock everything.

I had fun playing LEGO Legends of Chima Laval’s Journey on the PS Vita. It took the game a few levels to get going, and it was not endearing at first. Thankfully I gave it the time to see it got better as the game went on. LEGO Legends of Chima Laval’s Journey may not be the highest profile Lego game, but it is definitely an unique experience with memorable animal characters.
- Paul


Graphics: 66%
Sound: 65%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Gameplay: 61%
Family Friendly Factor: 66%

System: PS Vita
Publisher: Warner Bros Interactive
ating: ‘E10+’ - Everyone 10+
{Cartoon Violence}
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