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Little King's Story





Little King's Story 


Game companies look at Family Friendly Gaming and sometimes worry we will fail their product miserably. They know we stand for truth. They know we apply God’s standard to the content within video games. They know we call good - good, and evil - evil. We are not swayed by money, or other schemes of man. So it did not surprise me when the release of Little King’s Story came and went. It did not surprise me this game was moved to the not provided column in our tracking software. What did surprise me is how long it took for someone to get to this Wii game.

The wait is over my friends. Little King’s Story is like Pikmin only much deeper. We start out as a young king in a kingdom near collapse. It is our goal to raise our kingdom up and conquer the world. We recruit villagers and give them jobs. They can then perform functions for us - like fighting monsters and digging in holes. As Little King’s Story progresses we can build more buildings and have our peasants learn even better jobs. My personal favorite is the engineers. Something about having people who can build things appeals to me.

Early on a monk comes to us. He demands we build a church or God will punish us. This is a great mockery of God and something that will offend millions of Christians. Visiting the church will further incense believers. The music is catchy, and can be changed at a variety of locations. In fact Little King’s Story allows for a fair bit of modification.

I really hate how Little King’s Story works in terms of game play. We need certain characters for certain things. So either we have an extremely balanced party or we go all in with one kind. Both of these present the players problems. If we build stairs and then face a boss right afterward we not have the right troops to defeat it. Without the right personnel we can’t build the stairs. Certain jobs are very expensive, and we need our money to purchase buildings to grow the country.

I spent way too much time grinding in Little King’s Story. I would go out and kill everything to collect treasure. Then I would go back to my castle and get money for that treasure. Not enough to buy the next needed building? Then go and do it again. This grows tiresome very quickly.

Certain sexual content is in Little King’s Story, and it was not needed. Little King’s Story tries to be funny in a quirky sort of way, but it just falls flat. Life is shown as pretty cheap in Little King’s Story on the Wii. I hope the PS Vita sequel to Little King’s Story will improve some of the issues.
- Paul


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 58%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 65%
Family Friendly Factor: 30%

System: Wii
Publisher: XSeed Games

Rating: ‘T’ for Teen
{Crude Humor, Mild Cartoon Violence, Suggestive Themes, Use of Alcohol}

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