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Littlest Pet Shop Lights, Camera, Fashion! 


It is funny to members of Family Friendly Gaming Universe to hear television shows and movies are just entertainment. Littlest Pet Shop Lights, Camera, Fashion! is another in a long line of examples of television shows (and movies) that teach us things. The lessons on this DVD are helpful for all ages of the family.

Littlest Pet Shop Lights, Camera, Fashion! teaches us to just be yourself, don't be over dramatic, don't assume, the problems with being too competitive, the problems with being too obsessive, compromise, how to deal with loss, how to let someone move on in life, and how to cope with your single father dating.

Littlest Pet Shop Lights, Camera, Fashion! is still a show more for girls than it is for boys. Especially when Littlest Pet Shop Lights, Camera, Fashion! wants boys to not be so aggressive. Its like that whole movement that tries to make boys more like girls instead of celebrating their diversity.

The characters in Littlest Pet Shop Lights, Camera, Fashion! have strong personalities. They rub one another the wrong way. They get bent out of shape over nothing. Something we women can relate to. The male characters in Littlest Pet Shop Lights, Camera, Fashion! are generally rocks of stability.

The package of Littlest Pet Shop Lights, Camera, Fashion! Family Friendly Gaming was provided contains a small figure of Zoe. The bonus on the DVD disc is one of the songs from the five television shows. Which reminds me - the music in Littlest Pet Shop Lights, Camera, Fashion! is exceptionally good.

The five episodes on the DVD of Littlest Pet Shop Lights, Camera, Fashion! are Mean Isn't Your Color, Russell Up Some Fun, Eve of Destruction, Frenemies, and Summertime Blues. It takes around 110 minutes to watch all of the content on the disc.
- Yolanda


Graphics: 83%
Sound: 93%
Replay/Extras: 76%
Gameplay: 81%
Family Friendly Factor: 78%

System: DVD
Publisher: Shout Factory
Rating: ‘TV-Y’ - (All ages 2 and older)
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