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MLB 13 The Show 


Video game baseball day is such a treat at Family Friendly Gaming. There is such a wonderful spirit and atmosphere. Everyone and I mean everyone are playing the latest baseball release on every important gaming system. I am the PS Vita guy again this year. It was my duty to build those strike outs and crank up those home runs in MLB 13 The Show.

MLB 13 The Show on the PS Vita is the best hand held baseball game I have ever played. And I mean EVER! No other hand held baseball game is in the same division, let alone the same league. It is like MLB 13 The Show on the PS Vita is the pros, and everything else is in the minors.

Sony put on a clinic with MLB 13 The Show. The players, the stadiums, the menu screens, the feel, the difficulty settings, the announcers and more are stunning. I will not compare the PS Vita version to the home console version because that would not be fair. What I will say is MLB 13 The Show on the Vita trounces baseball games on the Wii.

The little details are what make MLB 13 The Show so wonderful. From the advertisements on the walls to the little things the announcers say. I heard things in MLB 13 The Show on the Vita from the announcers that were not only accurate, but very timely. Like when the shortstop threw the ball over the head of the second baseman allowing my runner from first to progress. The announcer starting to talk about a possible double play, and then quickly shifted to match the action.

Any of our close to three million readers like to play baseball games online? MLB 13 The Show lets you do that for free. No charge to compete against others. If you have the PS3 version you can easily transfer save files from one to the other one. Pick up a game on the big screen. Or save your PS3 game, and take it on the go with the Vita.

MLB 13 The Show is so user friendly. There are touch screen controls (front and back), plus the normal button controls. A family member of any computer skill set can come in, play MLB 13 The Show, and have a great time. You might want to encourage them to try playing on the easier settings at first.

If you want to create your own player and work your way up from the minors - MLB 13 The Show lets you do that. If you want to take your favorite team through a season - MLB 13 The Show lets you do that. If you just want to start playing in the electrifying atmosphere of the playoffs - MLB 13 The Show lets you do that.

Fans will literally be playing MLB 13 The Show for half a year to a year. Sony put so much into MLB 13 The Show that you will get your moneys worth many times over. My only concern is some of our amazing readers won't be able to pull themselves away from things like the Home Run Derby.

There is one minor aspect of MLB 13 The Show I am not crazy about - the music. It is either all on, or all off. We can not go through the track listing and pick and choose which songs we like and which ones need to be removed. I was not familiar with the songs in MLB 13 The Show and they were not to my personal tastes.
- Paul


Graphics: 96%
Sound: 92%
Replay/Extras: 100%
Gameplay: 91%
Family Friendly Factor: 93%

System: PS Vita
Publisher: Sony
ating: Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone
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