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Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Super Adventure 


Family Friendly Gaming has been predicting additional Marvel and Disney cross over events. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Super Adventure is not technically a cross over event, but it does give the characters from the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse powers of super heroes. For a limited time. At least in the featured episode.

The episodes on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Super Adventure are Mickey's Super Adventure, Aye Aye Captain Mickey, Mickey's Mousekersize, and Mickey's Little Parade. The run length time of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Super Adventure is approximately 117 minutes.

The big lessons kids will get out of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Super Adventure is to work together. Early on in the full length feature the characters are doing their own thing. It ends badly each and every time. Once they work together, they find success. Some might find Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Super Adventure is teaching conformity.

If you are familiar with super hero shows, comic books, and video games then you will recognize the powers in Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Super Adventure. I almost thought I was going to hear Mighty Mouse at one point. But I didn't and that is a different franchise.

Kids get into the entertainment, and word repetition in Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Super Adventure. There are also some mild learning skills taught in Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Super Adventure. Megamort is a neat new character that kids also enjoyed seeing.

Kids also get a real kick out of the giant sized bonus content in Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Super Adventure. There are these huge trading cards. They are the size of postcards. One of them has that freaky 3D effect when you turn it left and right. The super powers of each character is explained on the back.
- Yolanda


Graphics: 86%
Sound: 85%
Replay/Extras: 75%
Gameplay: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 77%

System: DVD
Publisher: Disney
ating: ‘TV-Y’ - Directed to children 7 and older
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