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Pandas & Boom




Pandas & Boom 


NARR8 is a fascinating platform to me. It is like a bookshelf that is also an app. There are a variety of different series on this platform. Some of them are not very family friendly. Some like Pandas & Boom are very family friendly. In fact the target audience of Pandas & Boom is children.

I am going to call Pandas & Boom an interactive video book. Like a book there are pages, and words. Those words are read as the action is shown on the upper portion of the screen. This action is in video, or semi-video format. The animations of the cute characters looks nice.

The soothing narrator is a treat. I know a lot of people think my hubby should go into voice acting. I think the voice in Pandas & Boom is as good as his if not a bit better. The characters and words are very bright and colorful in Pandas & Boom. I appreciated that they were leery of strangers.

One of the coolest things about the first episode of Pandas & Boom is what happens at the end. There are certain words that were used in the story. Those words are presented in multiple different languages. So Pandas & Boom is partially educational as well as an entertaining little story.

More episodes of Pandas & Boom will be coming shortly. The first two NARR8 episodes are free, and then they are ninety-nine cents after that. The try before you buy is a nice aspect to this platform. This means families can purchase only the interactive video storybooks that they are interested in.
- Yolanda


Graphics: 89%
Sound: 85%
Replay/Extras: 79%
Gameplay: 76%
Family Friendly Factor: 85%

System: iPad/iPod Touch/iPhone
Publisher: NARR8
ating: ‘4+’ - 4+
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