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Pinball FX2




Pinball FX2 


There is a new craze here at Family Friendly Gaming thanks to our friends over at Zen Studios. You read the news stories about Pinball FX2 going to Steam right? Well the wonderful people over at Zen Studios hooked Family Friendly Gaming up with twenty-three different tables.

So the main gaming PC here at Family Friendly Gaming is being shared as everyone explores the different tables. Different members of the Family Friendly Gaming Nation have been getting high scores in their favorite tables in Pinball FX2. No one thought the PC would be the best version of gaming pinball, but its true.

The tables look great in Pinball FX2. Super hero characters like the Marvel tables look like their comic book counter parts. This can be good in some instances, and bad in others. The voice acting is generally good. Although the Hulk voice for the World War Hulk table could have been better.

The pinball action is adaptable in case you do not like the default set up. The keyboard controls work well in Pinball FX2. If you do not like them there are other options available to your family. The different pinball tables in Pinball FX2 have variations, and many of them have some neat little animations and action scenes.

Family Friendly Gaming is well acquainted with the pinball games from Zen Pinball. This is the first time though FFG has seen all of the tables at the same time. In this context Pinball FX2 is extremely impressive. Steam users are in for a real treat. In particular all of them that enjoy video game pinball. Pinball FX2 can help revive the entire pinball industry - it is that good.
- Working Man Gamer


Graphics: 85%
Sound: 79%
Replay/Extras: 92%
Gameplay: 96%
Family Friendly Factor: 85%

System: PC
Publisher: Zen Studios
ating: ‘E’ - Everyone
{Comic Mischief, Fantasy Violence}
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