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Rooms the Main Building





Rooms the Main Building 


I really hate it when good games are not given the time of day by my fellow gamers. I hate it because it winds up putting these companies out of business. And it means others with creative ideas are not as interested in bringing fun games to the market place. We liked Rooms The Main Building on the Nintendo DS. Once we had the financial resources I picked it up on the Wii.

The Wii version of Rooms The Main Building is definitely better than the Nintendo DS version in most areas. The graphics look better, the sounds are better, and the controls are around the same. I love playing Rooms The Main Building on the larger screen. The one downside is the hand held and the home console are essentially the same game. We meet the same characters and have to do the same tasks.

Rooms The Main Building borrows from the Matrix movies in the television teleportation, and the long coat. Rooms The Main Building has a bit of a dark look to it, and the details are not that great on the Wii version either. This is one of the things that stops Rooms The Main Building from entering the upper echelon. We can blow some things up to break past barriers put in our way. This is very light in my personal opinion.

The music in Rooms The Main Building is phenomenal. I love listening to it. The quirky humor in Rooms The Main Building brings a smile to my face. It really has to be seen and heard to be understood. Rooms The Main Building is a mixture between Chronicles of Narnia and modern day England. With a bit of a mix of the Matrix. This Wii game borrows heavily from multiple other franchises.

The game play in Rooms The Main Building is fun. We move rooms around until we can walk to the exit. Every so many levels a new concept is brought to our attention. Things likely keys, teleportation, blowing up obstacles and more. Special items are collected to unlock new areas. Our book guide is always helpful in every situation we run into.

I hope for sequels to Rooms The Main Building in the coming year. I know there is a low chance of that though. Which is a shame because Rooms The Main Building would work masterfully on the Nintendo 3DS. Maybe another publisher will pick it up. I can hope can’t I?
- Paul


Graphics: 74%
Sound: 88%
Replay/Extras: 93%
Gameplay: 86%
Family Friendly Factor: 84%

System: Wii
Publisher: Hudson Entertainment

Rating: ‘E’ for Everyone
{Mild Violence}

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