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Zombie Blaster




Zombie Blaster 


Zombie Blaster is an on rails shooter on the Nintendo DSi. As the name implies players shoot zombies with guns. Players also get to shoot other evil creatures like skeletons, ghouls, vampires, bats, and more. There are twelve levels of violent mayhem in Zombie Blaster.

Graphically Zombie Blaster is very dated. From the details to the monsters Zombie Blaster is showing its age on the Nintendo DSi. It can be hard at first to tell if you are even shooting these ugly things. At least until they fall down and when the game asks you to reload. If the graphics were better there would be enticement to lust issues as well.

On rails shooters feel like the graphics - dated. It can be difficult to want to let a video game hold you hand walking through the levels. Zombie Blaster likes to take its time, and the longest path possible. Can't we just walk over to the church? Nope we climb up and down some stairs, go around here and there before finally arriving at the final destination.

Families may find it shocking that the ESRB granted an 'E' for Everyone rating for Zombie Blaster. Maybe their rating bestower plays too many violent games, and sees Zombie Blaster as nothing. Which is a shame because the violence in Zombie Blaster is at a high enough level to reach an E10+ (for Everyone 10 years old and older) to a T (for Teen) rating.

Having multiple guns, and the ability to easily swap between them is a nice touch. The zombies, vampires, skeletons and other horror creatures are going to be the biggest problem for most families. The storyline is tongue in cheek and does not take itself too seriously. Characters actually insult the writers. What is shocking is there is bad language in this downloadable game. Nasty words too.

Family Friendly Gaming has stood up against horror for many years now. The concept of scaring people is not one that uplifts, edifies, or encourages. Zombie Blaster fits under the horror umbrella. Which is the opposite of what Family Friendly Gaming supports and stands for.


Graphics: 30%
Sound: 40%
Replay/Extras: 60%
Gameplay: 67%
Family Friendly Factor: 50%

System: Nintendo DSi
Publisher: Enjoy Gaming
ating: Rating: ‘E’ for Everyone
{Mild Fantasy Violence}

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