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Yolanda and the boys have been playing this game on the iPhone/iPad. I took a quick look and it did not interest me. Then I heard 2048 was coming to the Nintendo 3DS. That caught my eye. I decided to check it out. I prefer the 3DS and Vita when it comes to hand held gaming. The iOS platform is okay, I prefer a D-pad, joystick and buttons though.

The concept behind 2048 is very simple. We are moving tiles around trying to match them. So we want to match a pair of twos to get one four. We want to match a pair of fours to get one eight. So on, and so on until we get the highest number we can.

The devious part to 2048 is there are only so many spaces on the grid. Fill them all up, and it is game over. You see your final score, and the highest block number you created. Numbers will also randomly appear each time you move the tiles around. So be productive with each movement. Otherwise the grid fills up, and it is game over.

The music in 2048 is awesome. I love listening to the music in this hand held game. It really fits the flow of this 3DS game. The 3D is stunning on the upper screen as well. I did not spend much time in 3D, since it is such a battery drainer.

The second game I played in 2048 shattered the high scores of my kids and wife on the iOS version. They were not very happy with me. I was still learning how to play 2048 on the Nintendo 3DS. Everyone in our family appreciates being able to play 2048 on the Nintendo 2DS/Nintendo 3DS. We are thankful Cosmigo brought it across.

2048 earns the rarely given Family Friendly Gaming seal of approval. This game will make you think strategically, and it helps with numerical education. The only issue some families will have with 2048 is it is a downloadable only title for $1.99. Physical copy gamers will not be able to participate in this puzzle game.
- Paul


Graphics: 90%
Sound: 95%
Replay/Extras: 100%
Gameplay: 100%
Family Friendly Factor: 95%

System: Nintendo 3DS
Publisher: Cosmigo
Developer: Cosmigo
Rating: ‘E' - Everyone
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