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Angry Bunnies Colossal Carrot Crusade




Angry Bunnies Colossal Carrot Crusade 


Angry Bunnies Colossal Carrot Crusade is an Angry Birds clone. Angry Bunnies Colossal Carrot Crusade is also a downloadable only home console video game on the Wii U. Whereas Angry Birds games can be purchased at retail in the extremely popular physical copy format. The biggest difference in Angry Bunnies Colossal Carrot Crusade is the animals. We are launching bunnies at cats.

Why are we launching bunnies at cats? I do not have the foggiest. I should note that the Angry Birds games have been given an 'E10+' for Everyone Ten and Older Only rating with the descriptors of Comic Mischief and Mild Cartoon Violence. Even though Angry Bunnies Colossal Carrot Crusade contains the same kind of content, it was given an 'E' for Everyone Six and Older Only rating from the ESRB with no descriptors. How can this be? Also the Nintendo 3DS version of Angy Bunnies received the descriptor Mild Fantasy Violence.

There are one hundred and fifty-levels in Angry Bunnies Colossal Carrot Crusade. The bunnies come with different skills that help us demolish the levels. Demolition is the biggest part of Angry Bunnies Colossal Carrot Crusade. The second biggest part is collecting carrots that are floating around in the levels.

The graphics are generally bright and cheerful in Angry Bunnies Colossal Carrot Crusade. Cats and bunnies poof out of existence in a nice presentation. The music in Angry Bunnies Colossal Carrot Crusade can encourage the addictive nature to Angry Bunnies Colossal Carrot Crusade.

The gameplay ranges in Angry Bunnies Colossal Carrot Crusade. It all depends on how well you understand physics. Experimentation is pretty easy in Angry Bunnies Colossal Carrot Crusade. I tried some angles and failed. I then retried a level with a different angle. Angry Bunnies Colossal Carrot Crusade is selling for $8.99 on the Wii U.
- Yolanda


Graphics: 70%
Sound: 75%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 75%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: Wii U
Publisher: Cypronia
Developer: Cypronia
Rating: ‘E’  Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
Company Provided Product

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