Cooking Mama 5 Bon Appetit
I would like to start this review off with an apology to Family
Friendly Gaming Nation. I am very sorry it took so long to get a review
of Cooking Mama 5 Bon Appetit on the Nintendo 3DS online. There were
issues with the game being sent to us for the review. I know Cooking
Mama is a Family Friendly Gaming Hall of Famer, and I feel horrible it
took this long to get this review online.
Have you ever heard absence makes the heart fonder? That is certainly
the case with Cooking Mama 5 Bon Appetit. We have not reviewed a Cooking
Mama game for a few years. Sure we have reviewed some of the other Mama
games. But it has been a few years since Cooking Mama 4 Kitchen Magic
was released.
The good news is Cooking Mama 5 Bon Appetit more approachable by casual
gamers. The game allows for a few mistakes while working through all the
mini games in the sixty recipes. There are quite a few mini games in
each of those recipes. There are also thirty activities we can assist
Mama with.
The areas of Cooking Mama 5 Bon Appetit are Let's Cook, Let's Help Mama,
Cooking Dojo, Let's Help in the Shop, and Let's Study. Longtime Mama
fans will be very interested in Cooking Dojo. This is where Mama will
rate you on how well you complete the mini games in the recipes.
Cooking Mama 5 Bon Appetit comes with SpotPass, and download versus play
for up to four players. The Let's Study mode will become a new favorite
of families. This is where you can work on your mathematics, memory, and
writing skills. It is like an educational wing within a Cooking Mama
video game.
The first time you play a mini game you may make a mistake here or
there. Usually this is allowed if you error on the side of under cooking
something. If you over cook something then mama will encourage you and
fix it for you. Grading can be a bit on the tough side. Like I got gold
for all except for two of the mini games and wound up getting a silver.
I wish Cooking Mama 5 Bon Appetit had let me go back and fix a mistake.
Out of all the mini game compilations out there, Cooking Mama continues
to stand head and shoulders above the rest. Out of all the cooking based
games, Cooking Mama 5 Bon Appetit is right in the top echelon. Cooking
Mama Limited and Majesco Entertainment continue to prove they know what
they are doing with this franchise.
Cooking Mama 5 Bon Appetit is one of the best games to be released on
the Nintendo 3DS this year. It is also one of the best video game
releases on all systems combined. Cooking Mama 5 Bon Appetit encourages
us to do our best, accept help when we fail, and to help others. I hope
and pray this franchise continues for many years.
- Yolanda
Graphics: 95%
Sound: 100%
Replay/Extras: 95%
Gameplay: 93%
Family Friendly Factor: 94%
System: Nintendo 3DS
Publisher: Majesco Entertainment
Developer: Cooking Mama
Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
{Alcohol Reference, Comic Mischief}
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