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Freakyforms Deluxe Your Creations Alive





Freakyforms Deluxe Your Creations Alive 


Nintendo tries all kinds of interesting, unique and different things. Some of them are slam dunk home runs. Others well they kind of slink into the annals of video game history. Freakyforms Deluxe Your Creations Alive is one of those games that most gamers want to forget. Families may find a few things of interest in this Nintendo 3DS hand held video game.

Freakyforms Deluxe Your Creations Alive looks as good as your talent level in drawing. Since I am horrible at drawing, and using the limited tools in this 3DS game; my characters look horrible. Freakyforms Deluxe Your Creations Alive is sort of a poor man’s Spore if you know what I mean. There are plenty of bright colors in Freakyforms Deluxe Your Creations Alive. The game starts pretty stale, but players unlock things like trees, and grass.

The music in Freakyforms Deluxe Your Creations Alive is acceptable. The different creatures we create can have different sounds applied to them. Most of those sounds are on the annoying side. I ended up turning the sound way low.

Families can go on simplistic quests in Freakyforms Deluxe Your Creations Alive. Find this item, get a key for a chest, and more. Collect eggs to earn coins, eat fruit, and go questing in dungeons.

The dungeons in Freakyforms Deluxe Your Creations Alive are like very small role playing areas. Families watch the battles unravel once there is contact with another creature. The more creatures you make in Freakyforms Deluxe Your Creations Alive the larger your world becomes. This expands this game from laughably small to something that feels like your moneys worth. Freakyforms Deluxe Your Creations Alive is quirky and not for everyone.
- Paul


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 75%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 50%
Family Friendly Factor: 75%

System: Nintendo 3DS
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Asobism

Rating:  ‘E10+’ - Everyone TEN and OLDER ONLY
{Comic Mischief, Mild Cartoon Violence}

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