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Metal Slug 1st Mission





Metal Slug 1st Mission 


One of the joys I have at Family Friendly Gaming is repeatedly exposing the ESRB. Metal Slug 1st Mission on the Neo Geo Pocket is another game on the already massive pile. They gave this ultra violent video game an ‘E’ for Everyone. That is like saying sky diving is for everyone. I bet you can find quite a few people who would reject sky diving. Just like there are millions upon millions who would reject Metal Slug 1st Mission.

We get a soldier in Metal Slug 1st Mission who shoots everything in sight. He kills every single human he can find, blows up every vehicle, and essentially is death running around. Since death is what we see over and over again in Metal Slug 1st Mission. It gets old half way through the first level.

Boss characters in Metal Slug 1st Mission require insane amounts of damage before they finally go down. That is if you can survive the extremely difficult boss levels. Metal Slug 1st Mission does let gamers save. There are also a limited number of continues.

Metal Slug 1st Mission tries to shake things up by letting players inside vehicles. I personally love getting into those jet airplanes. They look great, and control better than running around.
- Paul


Graphics: 50%
Sound: 60%
Replay/Extras: 60%
Gameplay: 30%
Family Friendly Factor: 40%

System: Neo Geo Pocket
Publisher: SNK Corporation
Developer: SNK

Rating:  ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
{Animated Violence}

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