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Metal Slug 2nd Mission





Metal Slug 2nd Mission 


I continue to play through the Neo Geo Pocket games we purchased some time ago. Metal Slug 2nd Mission continues the Metal Slug franchise on this hand held. I still have problems seeing the screen, especially seeing enemy fire coming my direction. The jet pack levels are also very difficult since all buttons need to be used at the same time.

Metal Slug 2nd Mission provides players with nine retries. You will need them as you violently kill everything in your path. Metal Slug 2nd Mission lets us once again get into vehicles like tanks, and jets to decimate the enemy soldiers. Violence remains a major part of Metal Slug 2nd Mission. The female character may be found as offensive to some.

The lamest part about Metal Slug 2nd Mission is the one hit kills. What makes them so bad is they are hard to see coming. Expect problems from the boss characters in Metal Slug 2nd Mission. They are challenging since they can take so many more hits. Power ups can change your weapon. Sometimes that is good, and sometimes that is not very helpful.
- Paul


Graphics: 50%
Sound: 60%
Replay/Extras: 50%
Gameplay: 25%
Family Friendly Factor: 40%

System: Neo Geo Pocket
Publisher: SNK Corporation
Developer: SNK

Rating:  ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
{Animated Violence}

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