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My Jurassic Farm 


My Jurassic Farm has kicked off a firestorm of debate here at Family Friendly Gaming. It came out the same day as My Arctic Farm. Both of these are Wii U home console downloadable only video games. My Jurassic Farm is very similar to My Farm, and My Exotic Farm. Pretty much the same game with different animals.

So what is the debating going on at Family Friendly Gaming? Some think there should have been one game, and then the other animals be made into DLC. Others think that would not work because families would need to own the original game to play the other animals. What about those who like only penguins? Or dinosaurs? We all agree that few families will buy all of the different farm games.

My Jurassic Farm is more violent than the previous games. You have to fence in the predators or they will attack the other dinosaurs. Two dinosaurs are also needed to bring eggs into your farm. Which is one of your early main sources of revenue.

Time can be fast forwarded in My Jurassic Farm up to sixty-four times. Be careful because the dinosaurs can get sick and hungry pretty quickly if you are flying by in the fast forward. Once you go into the menus to buy, or sell it will pause the game.

How is it exactly that we are raising dinosaurs in My Jurassic Farm? An egg was found and a machine was used to revive it. From there it was pretty simple. Feed them, keep them clean, and more eggs come rolling on in. Buying food for the dinosaurs is very important.

If you are into farm simulators, and dinosaurs then you may really get into My Jurassic Farm. I think My Jurassic Farm has some potential with specific audiences. Out of all the My Farm games, My Jurassic Farm is my least favorite. I would pick any of the other three on the Wii U before this one.
- Paul


Graphics: 70%
Sound: 80%
Replay/Extras: 75%
Gameplay: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 75%

System: Wii U
Publisher: BiP Media
Developer: BiP Media
Rating: ‘E' - for Everyone
Company Provided Product

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