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Pac-Man Museum 


Are a Pac-Man nut? Do you dream about power pellets? Do you dress in yellow and think about chomping? If you answered yes to any of those questions and have a Playstation 3, Xbox 360, or gaming PC then you will be interested in Pac-Man Museum.

What is this Pac-Man Museum? It is a compilation of some of the greatest Pac-Man games of all time. It allows families to explore the many different faces of Pac-Man. It shows Pac-Man in a range of game play styles, and representations.

In my humble opinion Pac-Man Museum is worth the price of admission. This home console downloadable game includes a wide range of Pac-Man games. Some are old, and others are new. Some are maze pellet munchers, one is a Tetris like puzzle game, and there is even a side scrolling action adventure.

Pac-Man has a lengthy history, which is something Pac-Man Museum shows. I appreciated seeing some of the visual representations of the Pac-Man maze. The lack of a full screen mode when playing these games was a bit of a disappointment.

Families earn stamps from the games in Pac-Man Museum. They are a lot like trophies and achievements. But so much cooler. Families can also attain items that they put into an area of the game. It gives you a reason to replay some of the games you may not be that into.

If you are an early adopter of Pac-Man Museum then you can download Ms. Pac-Man for free. I will admit I never understood the need for Ms. Pac-Man. It is the same game as Pac-Man with a slightly different main character. I really like Pac-Man Championship Edition. I am not so big on Pac-Man Battle Royale. All in all there are plenty of great Pac-Man games in Pac-Man Museum for families.
- Paul


Graphics: 70%
Sound: 80%
Replay/Extras: 89%
Gameplay: 90%
Family Friendly Factor: 82%

System: PC/Xbox 360/PS3(tested)
Publisher: Namco Bandai Games
Developer: Namco Bandai Games
Rating: ‘E’ -  Everyone
{Mild Fantasy Violence}
Company provided product

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