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Pure Pool




Pure Pool 


Do you like losing? Do you enjoy getting beat over and over again? Do you appreciate people putting their hand in the shape of an 'L' on their foreheads toward you? If you answered yes to those questions then I have a game for you - Pure Pool on the Playstation 4, and Personal Computer.

Pure Pool brags about taking the DNA from players and putting it into this downloadable only video game. Obviously their pool skills dwarf mine. And everyone else here at Family Friendly Gaming that tried to play Pure Pool on the Playstation 4.

My idea of fun is having a chance and being able to win. The first computer character I got to play put on a clinic. His skills are so high that I checked if maybe the difficulty was turned up to high. Nope, it is on the easiest setting. The most mistakes the computer ever made was two. That means I could only make one mistake.

Pure Pool is not approachable for family and/or casual gamers. The frustration, and aggravation this game will cause you is at the level of admittance to an insane asylum. You can play online against other players if your Internet is good enough, and you have enough memory usage on your plan.

The biggest confusion in Pure Pool to me is not the crazy difficulty. It is how long the computer character took before taking a shot. Why does it need to sit there for ten to twenty seconds after it is all lined up? Sitting there watching the computer do nothing just made my blood boil even more.

Pure Pool looks nice (some mild enticement to lust issues), and has decent music. The controls are easy to get used to. There are a few different modes in this half a gig sized downloadable video game. The challenges are the best part of Pure Pool in my opinion. I loved the Royal Rumble mode which added a ball every single minute. Beating that took speed and accuracy.

Pure Chess was an excellent game from developer VooFoo Studios, and publisher Ripstone. Pure Pool is a big let down after their success with Pure Chess. Maybe they will tweak and update the game to fix its current problems. I am not coming back to find out though. I need to keep my blood pressure down, and Pure Pool could kill me.
- Frank


Graphics: 70%
Sound: 60%
Replay/Extras: 65%
Gameplay: 30%
Family Friendly Factor: 50%

System: PC/PS4(tested)
Publisher: Ripstone
Developer: VooFoo Studios
Rating: ‘E' - for Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
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