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Sing Party





Sing Party 


Sing Party was a launch title for the Wii U around Christmas of 2012. For some odd reason a reviewable copy was not provided. So we put it on our purchase list, and when it came down into a price range we were willing to pay - we bought it. For the sole purpose of doing a review. I had my suspicions concerning Sing Party. Sadly this karaoke game is worse than I had thought.

Sing Party has Party Mode, Sing Mode, Team Mode, Practice, and Options. Sing Party is for multiple family members since many of the words appear on the TV screen. Sing mode is for one or two players to sing via the microphones. We only had one microphone so we were not able to test Team mode. Practice mode is about worthless - keep singing the same song over and over again.

I am not sure why a microphone is included in Sing Party. Its about worthless. It has lag, and the scoring on the screen makes little to no sense. We would hit the right spot, and no points. Other times we missed it, and got points. Sing Party is one confounding music game. The cord for the microphone is long so that is handy.

The song selection in Sing Party is horrible. Not one song for the 80% super majority of Americans who self ID as Christian. Talk about discrimination. To make matters worse the worldly singers included - well lets just say their best work is not included. So we have known artists with lesser known songs. As we scrolled through songs there were more 'NO THANK YOU' responses.

I was really hoping for something special out of Sing Party. The lenient ESRB missed the sexual content, enticement to lust, and lack of modest attire choices. They got the Lyrics, and that is one big doozy. Initially I thought Sing Party had the ‘T’ for THIRTEEN AND OLDER ONLY rating from the ESRB. But they must have dropped it to the Everyone ten years and older. It should be a ‘T’ rated game.
- Paul


Graphics: 65%
Sound: 50%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 50%
Family Friendly Factor: 50%

System: Wii U
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer:  FreeStyleGames

Rating:  'E10+’ - Everyone Ten and OLDER ONLY

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