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Tales of Hearts R




Tales of Hearts R 


Fans of the Tales role playing video games finally have a reason to purchase a Playstation Vita. Thanks to Bandai Namco Games publishing Tales of Hearts R on the PS Vita. This is a full Tales game with a really cool upgrade system. And a complete free roam on the battle screens.

Soma is everything in Tales of Hearts R. Characters can wield a variety of weapons, upgrade their skills and more. In fact the upgrade system in Tales of Hearts R is brilliant. Just use your points after a level up on the Soma screen. It won't take long to realize all the wonderful things this will give your characters.

Tales of Hearts R has some oddities in it as well. There is a church that worships a whale figure. The game is very anti-church. All of the voice acting is in Japanese. That kills all of the jokes at the end of the battles for me. The characters in Tales of Hearts R are all very different. Plenty of them enjoy shoving other characters to the ground.

The issues families will have with Tales of Hearts R is the violence, enticement to lust, magic, and the anti-church theme. The princess sleeping for many years is a nice twist that many JRPG's do not have. Helping a girl hunt down her emotions is also neat to see.

Early on in Tales of Hearts R we meet a brother and sister being hunted down by a witch. The main character helps them, and winds up messing up the girls Spiria Core. All of her emotions go flying all over the world. So they embark upon a quest to return what was lost.

Expect a variety of cut scenes in Tales of Hearts R. These range from regular talking to anime style. Expect many hours of game play from Tales of Hearts R. Especially if you do not hunt down all of the hidden items and places in this fantasy world.

Tales of Hearts R makes me realize there should be more hand held role playing games. Tales of Hearts R shows what can be done on a hand held. Ultimately it is a deep, fun, role playing game that fits nicely in the Tales franchise. I hope to see sequels in the future.
- RPG Master


Graphics: 55%
Sound: 53%
Replay/Extras: 85%
Gameplay: 74%
Family Friendly Factor: 55%

System: PS Vita
Publisher: Bandai Namco Games
Developer: Bandai Namco Studios
Rating: 'Teen' - Teen - THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY
{Mild Language, Suggestive Themes, Violence}
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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