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The Mysterious Cities of Gold Secret Path




The Mysterious Cities of Gold Secret Path 


The Mysterious Cities of Gold Secret Path is a lengthy story on the Nintendo 3DS for $14.99. Families are introduced to a strange world with interesting characters. The Mysterious Cities of Gold Secret Path feels like it is part Aztec or Mayan, part sci-fi, and part kids action adventure.

There is a certain level of mysticism to The Mysterious Cities of Gold Secret Path. The Mysterious Cities of Gold Secret Path also has its flavor set in the Orient. Since many of the worlds are set in China. The characters are a diverse bunch ranging from Conquistadors to Pirates. There is also a melting pot of different ethnic characters in The Mysterious Cities of Gold Secret Path.

The game play in The Mysterious Cities of Gold Secret Path is team based puzzles. The girl character can slip between these small cracks to progress into different areas. One of the boys can call the sun, and turn on certain switches. The final boy can send his parrot to steal keys from guards, and read pillars from the people of Mu.

Between certain levels there are anime like movies that play. These help explain the story and what is going on. They are on a quest since they are the chosen ones. I noticed the anime cut scenes were at a lower volume. I turned the volume up to the max to hear them. Then I had to turn it down on the next level because it was too loud.

Families are graded on multiple things in each level of The Mysterious Cities of Gold Secret Path. There is a time limit to try and beat - don't worry you can fail and still beat the level. There are scrolls, hidden chests, and more in The Mysterious Cities of Gold Secret Path.

The swapping characters to solve the puzzles could have gotten boring. So Neko Entertainment added enemy characters to avoid. This really hurt my time on the levels since I needed to sit there and wait for them to look away. Or I was caught and set back a bit.

The music and voices in The Mysterious Cities of Gold Secret Path are pleasant. The in level graphics can be a bit small. The cut scenes are great. Families will want to pay attention to the mysticism, and Eastern teachings. The puzzle action is great - although sometimes a bit repetitive.
- Kid Gamer


Graphics: 80%
Sound: 80%
Replay/Extras: 78%
Gameplay: 90%
Family Friendly Factor: 79%

System: Nintendo 3DS
Publisher: Ynnis Interactive
Developer: Neko Entertainment
Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone
Company Provided Product

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