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Adventure Bar Story






Apps continue to march over to the Nintendo 3DS. Adventure Bar Story is the most recent app port to enter Family Friendly Gaming Universe. Thankfully there are no in-app purchased in the Nintendo 3DS version of Adventure Bar Story. Pay $5.99 one time, and never have to pay for Adventure Bar Story on the 3DS ever again. Which is really cool for families.

Adventure Bar Story is a mixture of a role playing video game, and a cooking video game. Players collect ingredients, purchase tools (equipment), and make thing like Salted Eggplant, Apple Pie, and more. Then the player goes to their sister, and builds the menu. The food items are then sold. At that point the day ends. Where is the role playing element in Adventure Bar Story?

I did not mention one thing we do in Adventure Bar Story. We go to dungeons and collect all kinds of items laying on the ground. Things like wheat, rice, apples, cherries, and more. Enemies will also appear and players have to fight them in turn based role playing battles. Items are also earned in the turn based battles. This is important because it is really easy to fail at making food.

Graphically Adventure Bar Story shows its app roots. Initially I thought Adventure Bar Story may have been a Nintendo DS video game. Plus there are no 3D effects in Adventure Bar Story. Which makes it a perfect game for the Nintendo 2DS. Once I got past the graphics, I enjoyed the depth of the game play. Another restaurant wants to buy you out, and get your prime location. That means you must sell good food that people want to become popular enough to fend off the offers.

Adventure Bar Story includes a few oddities like a witch school, oppressive government, and corrupt government. I also noticed some enticement to lust issues the ESRB missed. But then the ESRB missing content is pretty common. Adventure Bar Story is a downloadable only video game. Apologies to the millions upon millions within the physical copy movement.
- RPG Master


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 80%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: Nintendo 3DS
Publisher: Circle Ent
Developer: Rideon
Rating: ‘E10+’ - Everyone TEN and OLDER ONLY
{Mild Fantasy Violence, Tobacco Reference, Use of Alcohol}
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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