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Adventures of Lolo 


Going back and playing a retro game can be a disappointing experience. Things are not always as rosy as we remember them. That is not the case with Adventures of Lolo on the 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). This cartridge based video game shows modern day video game developers what is needed to make a great game, a lasting franchise, and a lifetime legacy.

Adventures of Lolo is the first game that kicked off one of the best franchises of all time. The game is simple, and easy to learn. Collect all of the hearts, get the pearl in the treasure chest, and get to the exit. Adventures of Lolo is not a walk in the park though. There are certain ways things need to be done. Take the Medussa heads for example - players have to block their straight on view with something. Or your cute little round character gets hit with a blast. Dragons will shoot fire at you when all of the hearts have been collected.

The most annoying enemy character in Adventures of Lolo is the hopping little green guy that falls asleep once he touches you. I had to properly plan where I wanted him to sleep so I could still get around him. Mistakes are easily corrected with the select button. That resets the level. In essence your blue guy dies and everything in the level resets.

Passwords are provided for when you are out of lives. No worries though because you start that same level with a new series of five lives once you continue or use the password. Adventures of Lolo will make families think. We love looking at a screen and discussing possible strategies to defeat it. There is only one Adventures of Lolo video game left for me to purchase and review - Adventures of Lolo 2.
- Paul


Graphics: 88%
Sound: 98%
Replay/Extras: 99%
Gameplay: 100%
Family Friendly Factor: 90%

System: NES(8-bit)
Publisher: Hal Laboratory
Developer: Hal Laboratory

Rating: 'E' - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY

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