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Baby Frogs 


Indie game developers come up with a wide variety of different ideas. Some of them are hit and some of them are miss. The dream of becoming a millionaire by making video games is something many small developers have in their heads. Family Friendly Gaming has covered a long list of indie developers over the years. Even helped make a few millionaires. Want a sad fact? Not one of those FFG made millionaires have ever sent a financial thank you.

Plenty of indie developers have wanted to argue a fair and balanced review. I have become pretty jaded and cynical when it comes to indie game developers. So many bad experiences when I offered ideas to make their games better. So when the EIC asked if I would play Baby Frogs, I didn't want to. The indie graphics immediately turned me off. The sounds caught my ear though.

Do you like frogs? Do you like hearing frog sounds? Then you will love how Baby Frogs sounds on the iPhone and iPad. Baby Frogs sounds like real frogs making their croaking sounds. It is the shining point in Baby Frogs. It is the best thing about Baby Frogs. I recommend families read the instructions in Baby Frogs to learn how to play. I lost all my frogs the fire time because I could not figure out what to do.

So what is it I did in Baby Frogs? I tapped in front of the frogs to keep them on the screen. I also tapped to keep them away from predators, and things like dirt. Or maybe it was mud. I had trouble distinguishing what some objects were in Baby Frogs. That reminds me why is mud or dirt bad for a baby frog? I have seen them in mud and dirt in our garden before, they were fine. Actually better than fine since they were eating bugs for us.

Every so many levels (five at first) players will earn a new frog. Which can help since you will lose some at some point. It becomes mathematically impossible to keep them all in level after level. The more frogs you keep on the screen the higher your score will be. I felt like I was herding cats at some point while playing Baby Frogs. These frogs wanted to go all over the place.

Baby Frogs is an indie game so it does not look the greatest. In fact Baby Frogs reminds me visually of games like The Letter. Sort of like an old PC game. Frogs will occasionally glitch around certain objects depending on their angle. I never fussed about it because it kept them safe for a second or two. Since each level in Baby Frogs is timed, the longer you keep the safe the closer you are to completing the level.
- Sam


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 90%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: iPad/iPhone
Publisher: Richard Wittmann
Developer: Richard Wittmann
Rating: 4+' - Everyone FOUR and OLDER ONLY
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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