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Balls of Glory Pinball




Balls of Glory Pinball 


Family Friendly Gaming was provided a download code for Balls of Glory Pinball on the PSN. This game was played on the Playstation Vita. If it wasn't for Zen Studios, Family Friendly Gaming would have nothing to play on the PS Vita. This system is such a collector of dust now-a-days, especially with the physical copy movement taking off so well in recent years (and the lack of physical copies of games on this system).

Balls of Glory Pinball contains a table for American Dad, Archer, Family Guy, and Bob's Burgers. These are franchises and television shows that are outside the scope of what Family Friendly Gaming normally covers. Mainly because these television shows are vulgar, disgusting, gross, macabre, morbid, and adult only. What is interesting is how such content was scaled down to reach the ESRB rating of Everyone Ten and older.

Of the four tables in Balls of Glory Pinball, Bob's Burgers is the most difficult to play, and Family Guy is the easiest. All four tables have a similar look and feel to them. There are various themed missions to complete in Balls of Glory Pinball after players have unlocked them. There is also leaderboards to see how your score stacks up with other gamers who are playing the same tables.

Zen Studios is branching out with their pinball tables reaching a variety of different franchises. Balls of Glory Pinball is the perfect example of Zen Studios reaching a different demographic. I do no think Balls of Glory Pinball will appeal to many families in Family Friendly Gaming Universe. I would love to see a Veggie Tales Pinball from Zen Studios in the near future. Maybe even some tables based off of DC characters.

Balls of Glory Pinball was a really tough four table package for me to review. I can not stand any of the franchises these tables are built off of. The sound bytes get repetitive and annoying really fast on these tables in Balls of Glory Pinball. There are some bright colors used in some of the tables in the Balls of Glory Pinball package. It is nice to see Zen Studios packaging in more tables again.


Graphics: 65%
Sound: 60%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 55%

System: PS4/PS3/Xbox 360/Xbox One/PC/PS Vita(tested)
Publisher: Zen Studios
Developer: Zen Studios
Rating: ‘E10+’ - Everyone TEN and OLDER ONLY
{Fantasy Violence, Mild Language}
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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