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Battlestar Galactica Blood & Chrome





Battlestar Galactica Blood & Chrome 


I ran into Battlestar Galactica Blood & Chrome in one of the five dollar DVD bins. Which can be a sign of how bad a movie is. Since we have reviewed the other Battlestar Galactica remakes I decided to fork over the money. We meet a young William Adama in the middle of the first Cylon war. Humans are losing, and trying to find a way to halt the Cylon advance.

Adama finds himself in the middle of a secret mission that will save or destroy the twelve colonies. Plenty of tension along the way are characters struggle with following orders or doing the right thing. Those two get very muddy in Battlestar Galactica Blood & Chrome. Who is good and who is bad is not always on the table.

Battlestar Galactica Blood & Chrome contains nudity, violence, death, deceit, lies, bad language, sexual immorality, attacks on the government, and attacks on human beings. Battlestar Galactica Blood & Chrome is unrated. It would get a ‘R’ for Restricted rating at a minimum in my opinion. It could get an even worse rating depending on the reviewer.

The one lesson I got from Battlestar Galactica Blood & Chrome is appeasement does not work. When a group hates you, they are not going to change their mind because you give them everything they want. They will use you and the discard you.

I am appalled at the depravity in Battlestar Galactica Blood & Chrome. If this is any indication of where our society is, then we are in serious trouble. Characters make the wrong decisions too often, and they keep making them. The ending is also a little too convenient for me personally. I won’t spoil it in case you want to torture yourself by watching Battlestar Galactica Blood & Chrome on DVD. I won’t be watching this movie again any time soon. It is too repugnant on so many levels.
- Paul


Graphics: 30%
Sound: 55%
Replay/Extras: 55%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 40%

System: DVD
Publisher: Universal
Developer: SyFy

Rating: ‘NR’ - Not Rated

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