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Big Hero 6 


Family Friendly Gaming was provided a really nice treat from Disney this week. What is it? The Collector's Edition of Big Hero 6. It includes the Blu-ray, DVD, and Digital HD versions of this animated super hero team movie. Big Hero 6 also deals with some heavy issues like death and loss.

Hiro learns about loss and how to overcome it thanks to Baymax - a robotic health care provider that his own brother designed and developed. Hiro also happens to be a teenage genius who uses his mental potential to create small little robots that can work together to create anything the wearer of the neural transmitter headgear can come up with.

Big Hero 6 takes place in the fantasy city of San Fransokyo. Think of San Francisco mixed with Tokyo. I did not see one reference to the 49ers, or Giants though. The team of Big Hero 6 consists of Hiro, Baymax, Go Go Tomago, Wasabi, Honey Lemon, and Fred.

Make sure you watch to the end of the blu-ray of Big Hero 6. If you don't then you prove you are not a true believer. That hint should get you interested enough to check it out. It helps explain Fred some more. The two main characters, and the villain are all explained really well. The four other team members are a bit lighter in terms of back stories.

We were howling in laughter at Big Hero 6. There are so many funny moments in this animated movie. Baymax takes the show in Big Hero 6. His comments, and actions are hilarious. Especially when he is low on battery power. Hiro deals with heavy emotional issues that can help kids understand certain concepts like death.

There is some super hero violence in Big Hero 6. Most of it was a lot lighter than I was expecting. There is one close moment that some may not like in terms of puberty. Thankfully Big Hero 6 stops before it goes too far. As an adult it did not bother me. Kids may ask adults what Baymax was going to say next.

I really enjoyed Big Hero 6. The bonus features are interesting. I liked the Origin story bonus feature, and the deleted scenes. It was interesting to see some ideas that were thought of, but the team decided against them. I recommend families look into purchasing this 102 minute long movie.
- Paul


Graphics: 85%
Sound: 95%
Replay/Extras: 90%
Gameplay: 90%
Family Friendly Factor: 90%

System: Blu-ray/DVD
Publisher: Disney
Developer: Marvel
Rating: 'PG' – Parental Guidance Suggested
{For Action and Peril, some Rude Humor, and Thematic Elements}
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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