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Disney is putting a new spin, and a new twist on the fairy tales, and happily ever after kingdom concept with Descendants. Children of the four most evil characters are given a chance at a happy life outside of the island prison their parents are imprisoned upon. The parents of the teenagers are Maleficent, the Evil Queen, Jafar, and Cruella De Vil. BTW when did Cruella De Vil become African American?

The teenagers are tasked with doing evil by their parents. I also find it interesting that all four are from single parent homes. They are given the choice to follow in their parents footsteps or to forge their own paths. Descendants is also a musical. The songs that promote evil are actually better than the ones promoting good. Which is really weird to see in a Disney film.

There is an undertone in Descendants of teenagers rebelling against their parents. The parental characters in Descendants are portrayed as weak, and giving in to the children. There is of course one exception to that. There are multiple interesting scenes where bad blood is brought up. Can these characters move past the wrongs done to them in the past? Are the sins of the mothers passed down to the child? Are children truly innocent?

There is a certain level of naivety in Descendants. If children can just be taken from their parents and shown a different path, they will choose that path. The Nazi Germany government tried that concept and it has been historically frowned upon and defined as brainwashing. I know some massive government supporters want to try it in America since they can not convince parents of certain radical political positions. Descendants has a light teaching of taking kids from their parents and put into a completely different system. Now in the case of this movie all the kids know is evil.

Descendants contains magic, some scenes with certain characters not wearing much clothing, and some mild peril. The moments of peril are generally short. There is also some football like violence in a strange team game. The fairy godmother is represented in Descendants, and her wand is a central theme throughout the movie. I won't spoil the ending of Descendants.

There are some fun bonus features in the package of Descendants Family Friendly Gaming was provided. A bracelet for Descendants was present. On the disc is backstage dance rehearsals, bloops, #Mal, sneak peaks, and more. There are Descendants animated shorts coming in the future. I also suspect there will be a sequel to Descendants in the near future based on the ending.
- Yolanda


Graphics: 80%
Sound: 75%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: DVD
Publisher: Disney
Developer: Disney
Rating: ‘TV-G' - General Audiences
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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