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Fluidity Spin Cycle





Fluidity Spin Cycle 


A big thank you goes out to the anonymous donor of Fluidity Spin Cycle. I appreciate you providing the funds for this Nintendo 3DS/2DS video game, and paying for the review. I wish more people would provide payment for reviews they are requesting. It helps us out at Family Friendly Gaming.

Fluidity Spin Cycle is one of those video games that is so close to being a masterpiece. Yet it falls short in some areas. First off Fluidity Spin Cycle falls flat on the spiritual content. The story is all about a wizard, and different spirits. They interact with a book. I can think of plenty of other scenarios that could have been used. All of them would have reached the American audience much better. These companies really need to consult with Family Friendly Gaming. We would charge modest fees for that work.

The music is nice and relaxing, which helps offset any of the offensive spiritual content in Fluidity Spin Cycle. The graphics are okay - a bit on the small side. But this is a hand held video game. Liquid characters can drag quite a long ways in a level at times.

Fluidity Spin Cycle is better than Puddle in terms of losing water content. I love the skill where I can draw all of the water to me. There are a variety of magical powers found within Fluidity Spin Cycle. All of them help us progress past certain obstacles.

Expect to look really funny playing Fluidity Spin Cycle. Some levels require the unit be rotated completely upside down. Then we jump with the water, and look odd moving around playing this hand held video game. Watch someone else play to understand what I am talking about.

The price of Fluidity Spin Cycle nearly caused me to choke to death. The $10.99 price tag is way too high for this downloadable only video game. I might pay that much for a physical copy of Fluidity Spin Cycle on a cartridge. The levels are too short, and there are not enough of them. I suggest families pass on this game.
- Yolanda


Graphics: 70%
Sound: 70%
Replay/Extras: 60%
Gameplay: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 50%

System: Nintendo 3DS
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Curve Studios

Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY {Comic Mischief, Mild Fantasy Violence}

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