Lord of Magna Maiden Heaven
Remember my article on professional wrestling and role playing video
games? XSeed Games is proving that article to be true yet again. Lord of
Magna Maiden Heaven is interesting and innovative in strange ways. Your
character must protect the protect the family inn. To do so he must find
crystals to sell. He winds up finding women who help him battle the
Lord of Magna Maiden Heaven is part strategy role playing game, and part
dating sim. We help out the female characters to unlock their heart
events. Which gives them powerful attacks in the battles. There are
lengthy conversations where the girls drone on about their hopes,
wishes, dreams, and more. Role playing gamers must pay attention and
give them attention. By the way real women in the real world require
this much attention too. So Lord of Magna Maiden Heaven is realistic in
Battles are done in a turn based fashion. The characters the player have
can move around the field at will. There is a limit to how far you can
run in each turn though. Enemies can be knocked into other enemies to
dispose of combinations of enemies. The center of an enemy horde is a
more powerful monster. These monsters will spawn in new ones. So it is
always wise to get rid of them as quickly as possible. Flowers give us
more of those powerful monsters. So take out the flowers whenever you
get an opportunity.
Battles are not hack and slash in Lord of Magna Maiden Heaven. They can
feel that way since we dispose of so many of these enemies. Which does
help with leveling up. I leveled up like crazy in most of the battles in
Lord of Magna Maiden Heaven. It does not take long to figure out how the
battles work in Lord of Magna Maiden Heaven on the Nintendo 3DS.
Family Friendly Gaming was given a download code for Lord of Magna
Maiden Heaven This game clocks in at just over ten thousand blocks. That
is over 1.2 gigs in memory if my math is accurate. I took a nap when
Lord of Magna Maiden Heaven was downloading since it took so long. If
you decide to purchase Lord of Magna Maiden Heaven then look for the
physical copy since it will save your SD card.
The content in Lord of Magna Maiden Heaven families will want to be
aware of is enticement to lust, bad language, violence, and false gods
(and false goddesses). The squat graphics in the main area make Lord of
Magna Maiden Heaven look like an app. The cut scenes and conversation
make Lord of Magna Maiden Heaven look like a PS Vita game. The music in
Lord of Magna Maiden Heaven is fantastic. Battles can take a long time
which does not help the hand held nature of this hand held video game.
- RPG Master
Graphics: 50%
Sound: 60%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Gameplay: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 50%
System: Nintendo 3DS
Publisher: XSeed Games
Developer: Marvelous
Rating: ‘T’ - Teen -
{Fantasy Violence, Mild Language, Partial Nudity, Suggestive Themes}
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product
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